Advanced bone marrow stimulation procedure

To achieve the healing response you want, you must reach deeper. Bone marrow stimulation-based cartilage repairs rely on cells that reside deep in the bone. With NanoFx® you can reach these cells.

The NanoFx® (Nanofracture) system offers a “Smaller, Deeper, Better” solution compared to a standard microfracture procedure. The instruments consist of a reusable Hand Instrument, a single-use disposable PleuriStik Guide Wire and a reusable Thumb Tab Accessory used to perform a nanofracture procedure for the treatment of articular cartilage defects or where bone marrow stimulation is appropriate.

The 1 mm PleuriStik disrupts less surface area than standard microfracture techniques and was purposefully designed to reduce damage to the subchondral plate. It penetrates down to a standardized 9 mm depth to reach the targeted marrow cells, three times deeper than comparable microfracture techniques.

NanoFx: two options

The NanoFx® handle is available with a 15° angle and as an A-Curve, which is specifically designed for hard to access Ankle Lesions.

A-Curve Hand Instruments (5500-4010)

15° Hand Instruments (5500-1020)

NanoFx: advantage

Maximising marrow cells recruitment and minimising subchondral bone damage


Unlike awls that can become dull over time, the tip of the PleuriStik guide wire is always sharp due to the fact that it is a single use instrument


The 9 mm perforation depth provides deep cancellous bone perforation with improved access to the targeted marrow cells.


The 1 mm thick NanoFx PleuriStik disrupts less bone surface area than a standard microfracture technique, reducing damage to the subchondral bone plate.


The NanoFx PleuriStik guide wire is only 1 mm thick. This lets the surgeon place more holes in the defect than you can with a microfracture awl. More holes mean more stem cells in the joint.


The NanoFx PleuriStik has a specific design that, as the guide wire is being removed, it clears the bone that was pushed down when the guide wire was inserted, allowing the trabecular channels to stay open.

Microfracture 1.0

Larger, shallow channels, less stimulation, more disruption Channel Area = 39.2 mm2

Microfracture 2.0 = NanoFx

Smaller, deeper channels more stimulation, less disruption Channel Area = 6.3 mm2